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June 30, 2022 | News

XPERTECHS Recognized as a Best-in-Class Business on the MSP 501 List

(June 30, 2022 – Ellicott City, Maryland) XPERTECHS is on Channel Future’s 2022 MSP 501 List for 2022. The list recognizes high performing managed IT service providers based on their growth and level of innovation. Competition for a place on the list was higher compared to previous years because…

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June 27, 2022 | News

5 Cybersecurity Mistakes Business Leaders Make

In a world where cyber threats are increasing every day, your business sustainability is in large part resting on your cybersecurity strategy. Yet, executives and even some IT managers don’t have a good handle on what it takes to build and maintain a strong cyber defense. These mistakes and omissions…

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June 14, 2022 | News

Use Training to Boost Employee Satisfaction and Retention

There isn’t a company out there that can be complacent about employee retention. You’d be surprised at how many of your loyal employees would be open to a new job opportunity if it was presented to them. In fact, one study indicates that 73% of potential job candidates are what’s considered passive…

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June 1, 2022 | News

How to Find Opportunities for Business Process Automation [with Survey Questions You Can Use]

You only have to do one automation project with Microsoft Power Apps to realize how taking the complexity out of your operational processes can improve your business. When you go into a project, you know you’re going to meet specific objectives, like reducing errors and speeding things up. An outcome…

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May 19, 2022 | News

7 Tactics for Establishing Need-to-Know Access to Accounts and Information

A disgruntled ex-employee puts hate messages on your company social media channels. Your sales rep takes your customer contact data with them after they’re terminated. There’s an unauthorized withdrawal from your bank account. These are all scenarios that could happen if you’re not controlling…

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May 13, 2022 | News

Is IT Support Included in Your Employee Offboarding Process?

It’s unfortunate when an employee has to be terminated but it happens. When it does, your IT team shouldn’t be the last to know about it. In fact, the IT department (or your IT support provider) should be involved as soon as possible, not just for terminations but when any employee leaves. Including…

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