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January 31, 2013 | News

A Note From Michael’s Desk…

A few months ago, I wrote to you about Microsoft’s major price reduction for Office 365. At that time, I predicted that many of our clients would take  advantage of this great opportunity and move from an on-premise Exchange server to the Microsoft hosted environment. In the past few months we have…

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December 31, 2012 | News

A Note From Michael… 25 Years of Excellence

In March of 2013, XPERTECHS will be celebrating our 25th year in business. As I look back over the past 25 years, I am amazed at the number of people that I have been privileged to meet and work with during these years. Our company has truly been blessed with great clients, supportive vendors, and outstanding…

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December 28, 2012 | News

Microsoft: Get To Know Windows 8

Microsoft has officially launched their brand new operating system, Windows 8. You may be wondering what is new and what is so great about this big launch? Microsoft has totally redone their ‘Start Menu’ in the newest edition of Windows. Now, instead of having a little pop-up menu at the bottom left…

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December 28, 2012 | News

The 4 Best Gadgets To Help You Lose Weight And Get Fit This Year

Getting fit is going high-tech these days, with new gadgets that are actually cool to wear instead of looking like the beeping hunks of junk your grandma wears when mall walking. Plus, they’re going very social with online workouts and apps that track your progress and allow you to compete against…

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December 28, 2012 | News

Three Technology-Specific New Year’s Resolutions You Need To Make

Ahhhh! A brand new year, full of promise, hope and a fresh start. If you’re like most people, you’re making the usual resolutions to exercise more, lose weight, pay off debt, etc., etc., etc. Essentially, it’s a time of year when we momentarily take stock in our lives and think about all the things…

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November 28, 2012 | News

Time to Upgrade Your Network? Here Are 4 Things You Should Know

It’s that time of year again when business owners from all over are scrambling to make any last minute purchases they can to lighten the tax burden for 2012. One of the things many tax-savvy businesses do is purchase new office and computer equipment that will be needed within the next few months NOW…

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