How Long Would It Really Take To Crack Your “Strong” Password
How many @’s, %’s and other crazy symbols are in your password right now? Are they really all that necessary? According to a recent Carnegie Mellon study, the answer is no. The only thing that really influences your password strength is its length! Not whether it has X minimum characters or Y maximum…
5 Things You Should Do To Protect Your Business Now!
Let’s face it; no one likes to think about bad things happening to them, much less planning for them. But since September is National Disaster Preparedness month, we wanted to give you a quick “brush up” on some simple things you can (and should!) be doing to protect your business. Review Your…
Do you know a GREAT Network Specialist looking for an exciting position with a dynamic company?! Have them send their resume along to and mention your name, and if they are hired we will send you a $500 referral fee!
A Note From Michael…
XPERTECHS goes Office 365! Here we go again! Microsoft announces a major price reduction in Office 365 and everybody is considering making the move to the cloud based Office solution. Here are three reasons you should switch to Office 365: Cost – Office 365 now starts at $4 per month. Small business…
Bring Your Own Device To Work: Excellent Money-Saving Idea Or Security Disaster Waiting To Happen?
Maybe you’ve heard the term “BYOB” (bring your own bottle) when you were invited to a party with some friends. Now a similar trend is happening in business called “BYOD” (bring your own device) where employees are bringing their smartphones, tablets and other devices to work. Considering the…
Alert: The Internet Has Run Out Of IP Addresses!
Although it sounds like a Nigerian Internet scam, it’s true. With millions of people coming online, the number of IP addresses is exhausted and a new standard for identifying computers and devices has come online: IPv6. So what is an “IP” address anyway and what will this NEW addressing system…