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October 30, 2014 | News

XPERTECHS Ranked 17th in the Mid-Atlantic Region For Microsoft Partners and Office 365 Integration

Microsoft announced the Mid-Atlantic Regional Partner Award winners at their recent Worldwide Partner Conference in Washington, DC. XPERTECHS was recognized at the 2014 Microsoft US Mid-Atlantic awards, as one of the top 20 Office 365 partners in the region. Awards were presented in multiple categories…

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October 30, 2014 | News

Password Security: How Hackers Steal Data & Savvy Users Keep It Safe

Digital security has never been more essential than it has been this year. Cyber crimes are becoming more creative and more devastating. Here are several examples of recent cyber criminal attacks: Russian hackers had stolen 1.2 billion unique password and user name combinations. Two US supermarkets…

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September 30, 2014 | News

Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes With Your Next Office Move

Moving is always a pain in the rump, but it doesn’t have to be a horrific, expensive experience. The No. 1 lament from someone who’s experienced a “bad” move is “I didn’t know I needed to…” followed closely by “I completely forgot that…” In other words, it’s what you don’t do…

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September 30, 2014 | News

Congratulations to the Baltimore Orioles

The Baltimore Orioles are American League East Division champs! Now that the Orioles (XPERTECHS’ client for 15+ years) have made the Post Season Playoffs, XPERTECHS has begun to prepare for the significant increase in the demand for bandwidth and IT services. The Scope of Work includes the provisioning…

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September 30, 2014 | News

8 Amazing Facts About Mobile Computing

Over fifty percent of CIO’s and IT professionals believe mobility will impact their organizations as much or more than the internet did in the 1990’s. “It has become appallingly obvious, Albert Einstein once observed, that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” If that’s how the legendary…

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August 28, 2014 | News

The 3 Biggest Problems Baltimore/Washington Corridor CEOs Have With Most IT Firms

If you are a highly successful, results-oriented CEO who wants to focus your time, energy and money on growing your company, but find yourself constantly distracted and slowed down by chronic computer problems and incompetent IT support, then you probably don’t need us to tell you how frustrating that…

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