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Help! We’re Stuck in MSP Lite

Have you ever been tricked into switching out your favorite food for a “lite” version? It may look similar and be called by the same name, but it’s definitely not like the original. In fact, it’s pretty disappointing. That’s how it is with MSP Lite. Your IT support company says they’re a Managed Service Provider (MSP) and you’re getting many of the IT services that you would expect, but IT performance is disappointing.

You may not realize that you have MSP Lite but you’ll know what it feels like. It feels like you’ve outgrown your IT provider, or that they’re holding you back. Being stuck with MSP Lite can feel like your whole business is stuck.

You don’t need to rely on your feelings, however, to know that your IT provider isn’t all that you want and need them to be. (Or all that they say they are for that matter!) See if you recognize any of these signs of MSP Lite and validate your gut feeling that it’s time to do something different.

What MSP Lite Looks Like

1. Fixing, Always Fixing

Your IT provider is really good at fixing things and there are always lots of things to fix. They’re so good at fixing that they fix the same things over and over again.

2. Have You Restarted Your Computer?

The Help Desk may be friendly when they take your call, but your people would rather try to troubleshoot their own issues because they don’t have confidence that the Help Desk can help.

3. That Will Be an Extra Charge

When you get your monthly invoice, you’re often surprised by unexpected costs. What you think should be included in basic IT management isn’t included at all.

4. We’ll Get Back to You on That

Your industry is innovating with new technology but you’re not. When you bring ideas to your IT provider, they can’t come up with a plan to implement them and would rather just forget that you asked.

5. You’re Okay Using Windows 7

While a cyber attack can happen to anyone, if it happens because your IT provider neglected to use cybersecurity best practices – like keeping your software up-to-date – then you’d better wonder what other cyber doors are open to attack.

6. Let Us Take Care of That for You

At the same time that your IT provider is dropping the ball on basic IT management they keep asking you if they can do more for you.

7. What’s Your Name Again?

The last sign of MSP Lite has to do with relationships – namely do you have one? If all of your communication is transactional, and you’re always talking to different people (and getting the run around) then you’ve got to doubt that they have your best interests at heart.

Time to Up Your Game

While our list of MSP Lite warning signs is a bit light-hearted; we know that if this is what you’re experiencing right now with your IT company that it’s serious, and it’s not the least bit funny. In fact, it probably keeps you up at night.

At XPERTECHS, we understand that if you’re not using technology to move forward, then you’re probably not moving forward at all.

Contact us to explore how you can Up Your Game, and finally achieve the business success you envision.