CISA Warns of Heightened Cyber Threats

You may not think what’s happening across the world has any impact on your world, but the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) thinks differently. CISA is a United States government agency that works with the Office of Management and Budget to manage cyber risks and protect critical infrastructure.
How does this concern you?
Every organization that uses the internet plays a role in national cyber defense, kind of like the civilian defense efforts that were initiated during World War 2. When there are heightened threats, the CISA publishes announcements to raise awareness of these risks. Because every organization is a potential victim of cyber crime, the CISA doesn’t want to limit the spread of their messages to government entities and supply chains. They want everyone to be aware of cyber criminal activity.
So, you should pay attention to the announcement that CISA released on January 18, 2022, concerning recent incidents that victimized Ukrainian public and private entities. Depending on where you are in the maturity of your cyber defenses, the guidelines provided by CISA in this message will give you confidence in your security stature or reveal some gaps that you need to close.
You can read the full announcement on CISA’s website. Here’s a summarized list of the action items they recommend to reduce the likelihood of a damaging cyber intrusion.
- Use Multi-factor Authorization (MFA) for all accounts that have remote access to your network.
- Keep software updated to the latest versions.
- Confirm that any open ports or protocols are essential for business purposes.
- Follow CISA guidance for cloud service security. (Get details here.)
- Utilize CISA’s cyber hygiene services to uncover vulnerabilities.
The announcement also includes steps that an organization should take to detect potential intrusions. These are part technical, but part knowing who you’re working with.
Managed Approach to Security
Because of the managed security services that XPERTECHS’ clients receive, they can view the CISA message with concern but not alarm. While there is always continuous improvement that can be done with cybersecurity, our clients get the guidance and expertise that is necessary to stand up a strong cyber defense. XPERTECHS clients can read through the CISA recommendations in this announcement and know that they already have access to the best possible guidance on creating a cybersecurity strategy that will thwart modern threats.
Wish You Had Confidence in Your Security?
Here at XPERTECHS, we implement cybersecurity strategy that includes the technical and nontechnical layers that are essential to assess risks, protect assets and quickly detect and respond to intrusions. If you don’t have confidence in your security strategy, it’s time to up your game.
Contact us for a free security consultation.