XPERTECHS Welcomes Our Newest XperCARE Client
With locations in Elkridge, MD and McLean, VA, Tuhin Basu & Associates, Inc. (TBA) provides professional engineering services for project management, design, construction management/construction engineering and inspection of transportation infrastructures including bridges, highways, tunnels, transit…

Don’t Be A Domino Pusher
You can line up DOMINOS in a beautiful pattern and spend hours doing it … but all you have to do to knock them all down is PUSH over the first one (the lead domino) and the rest will follow. The same is true about a business. You can spend years and years building up a great business with a super reputation…

A Note From Michael’s Desk…
It is hard to believe that the summer has come to an end and we are now facing the final months of 2013. Where has this year gone? If you are like me, the summer has ended much too quickly and I haven’t accomplished all I set out to do this summer. But time waits for no one and I need to begin to focus…

Which Of These 4 Cloud Computing Solutions Is The Right Fit For You?
Most likely you’ve heard all of the commotion around cloud computing and know that it’s the “Next Big Thing” in business technology. Yet, despite all of the hype, most businesses really don’t understand exactly what cloud computing is and what it could do to help their business. “What are…

There Is No Success Without Ex’s
I was invited to speak at FedEx World Headquarters where I delivered two programs. I also had the wonderful opportunity to take a tour of their Memphis Hub Operations and see how they are able to process over 600,000 packages per night while it was actually happening. It was an amazing sight to behold…

7 Reasons Why It’s Time To Give Up On Windows XP Once And For All
Although businesses have been getting rid of Windows XP for at least the last 3 years, the fact remains that as of last December, around 500 million users will still be running Windows XP. Here are 7 of the top reasons it’s time to finally give up Windows XP now. 1. Tons Of Viruses. There is a huge…