Congratulations to the Baltimore Orioles
The Baltimore Orioles are American League East Division champs! Now that the Orioles (XPERTECHS’ client for 15+ years) have made the Post Season Playoffs, XPERTECHS has begun to prepare for the significant increase in the demand for bandwidth and IT services. The Scope of Work includes the provisioning…
8 Amazing Facts About Mobile Computing
Over fifty percent of CIO’s and IT professionals believe mobility will impact their organizations as much or more than the internet did in the 1990’s. “It has become appallingly obvious, Albert Einstein once observed, that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” If that’s how the legendary…
The 3 Biggest Problems Baltimore/Washington Corridor CEOs Have With Most IT Firms
If you are a highly successful, results-oriented CEO who wants to focus your time, energy and money on growing your company, but find yourself constantly distracted and slowed down by chronic computer problems and incompetent IT support, then you probably don’t need us to tell you how frustrating that…
Russian Hackers Collect Over A Billion Passwords
Milwaukee-based Hold Security announced earlier this month that a Russian crime ring has stolen the largest amount of internet credentials in history. They reported that over a billion usernames and password combinations along with 500 million email addresses were taken. The Details of the Information…
Student Laptop Buyer’s Guide: Use These 6 Tips When Buying Your Student’s New Laptop This Fall
School is almost back in session. If you’re in the market to purchase a new laptop for one of your children, here are six tips to get the most out of your purchase. Tip #1: Bigger is NOT necessarily better when it comes to laptops. If your student is on the go, smaller laptops are going to be your…
Student Laptop Buyer’s Guide: Use These 6 Tips When Buying Your Student’s New Laptop This Fall
School is almost back in session. If you’re in the market to purchase a new laptop for one of your children, here are six tips to get the most out of your purchase. Tip #1: Bigger is NOT necessarily better when it comes to laptops. If your student is on the go, smaller laptops are going to be your…