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December 29, 2014 | News

Top Tech Trends of 2015

When you’re an innovative company, staying up on the latest trends in technology isn’t a choice. But how do you know which trends are worth investing in. Here are some top SMB IT Trends for 2015: Companies will devise business strategies that leverage technology. Companies will begin to view technology…

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December 29, 2014 | News

A Note From Michael’s Desk … January 2015

A New Year is upon us and with that – once again – we face many changes!!! 2014 was a very exciting year for XPERTECHS. We added three full-time employees to our staff, several new clients to our XperCARE Managed Services, received awards and accolades for our customer service, achieved the MSPmentor…

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December 3, 2014 | News

Reducing Distractions In The Workplace

Distractions are everywhere. Our phones, our computers, our tablets, our co-workers, and on and on. When we’re trying to get work done, there is always something, and it’s getting worse. We’re more connected to the Internet than ever before, and there is always one more thing we want to check.…

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December 3, 2014 | News

Simple Ways To Use Email More Efficiently

There used to be a time when email was supposed to increase productivity. Yet, that is often not the case. Many users don’t use email as productively as they could, and you may be one of them! Consider these tips to improve the way you use email: Skip attachments. Find alternate methods of sharing…

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December 3, 2014 | News

Client Update: Section 179 Benefits

In an effort to maximize Section 179 tax credits and take advantage of new technology, several clients have undertaken Network Upgrade Projects. Celeste Hart Interior Architecture & Design – CHIAD is a full service interior architecture & design firm that services both national and international clients…

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December 2, 2014 | News

Your Company’s Hidden Security Risk

As a business owner who also  spends time working from home, do you make assumptions about  your home’s wireless network security? Between your home and business, chances are your home wireless security is lacking. This can prove to be a serious liability. WiFi security at home tends to be more lax…

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