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February 15, 2017 | News

News: XPERTECHS Recognized for Excellence in Managed IT Services

XPERTECHS announced today that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has named XPERTECHS to its 2017 Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the Pioneer 250 category. This annual list recognizes North American solution providers with cutting-edge approaches to delivering managed services. Their offerings…

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February 7, 2017 | News

News: XPERTECHS Negotiates New WAN & VoIP Agreement On Behalf of The Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos

XPERTECHS recently assisted long-time customer, The Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos (Law PGA) in negotiating a new WAN and VoIP agreement with Fusion. The new WAN and VoIP infrastructure will replace an aging NBX system that had reached end-of-life. The Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos realized it…

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January 28, 2017 | News

OneDrive for Business in “One Minute”

OneDrive for Business is an integral part of Office 365, and provides a place in the cloud where you can store, share, and sync your files. This short overview covers the basics. Keep in mind that each user is allocated 1 TB of storage, and all files are private by default until shared. The service is…

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July 28, 2016 | News

How HaaS will benefit your business

Hardware maintenance and upgrades can consume a big sum of your business’ time and money. But with Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS), a solution in which you pay a Managed Services Provider a subscription fee and let them take care of all your hardware-related issues, including upgrades, maintenance, and…

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July 27, 2016 | News

Firefox’s 8 hidden function upgrades

Warriors preparing for battle need to ensure they are armed with the best weapons and the strongest armor. The same can be said for businesses today. This means that web browsers that can house multiple windows just don’t cut it anymore; the ideal candidate makes the most out of your precious time…

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July 26, 2016 | News

5 ways to make tech trends work for you

What tech fads has your SMB recently written off as silly and not worth your time? 3D printing, internet of things…Pokémon GO? Juvenile as they may seem at first, these trends helped to make a lot of businesses a lot of money. Navigating the quickly rising and falling auspices of the tech world may…

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