A Note From Michael’s Desk…October 2013

It’s November already, the air is crisp, fires are burning and businesses are planning their year-end projects. If you are thinking of buying or leasing new equipment, vehicles, and/or software then you owe it to your business to check out this month’s front page newsletter article and visit www.section179.org to see how much money you can save if you act before December 31st.
If you do decide you want to take advantage of Section 179 by adding computer hardware or software, give us a call to help you with purchasing and installation. XPERTECHS is focusing on helping our clients in November and December to take advantage of this program and keep more capital in their business.
On another note, our XperCLOUD service offering has been a tremendous success. Over 50 of our clients have moved all or some portion of their IT services to our XperCLOUD platform. During the coming months, we expect a majority of our clients to move some portion of their technology to XperCLOUD. If you have any thoughts of moving to the cloud or just want to feel more knowledgeable about the cloud, then sign up for our monthly cloud webinar.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the good fortune of receiving some heartfelt thank you notes from several of our clients. I’ve also had the good fortune of having favors done for me by people who went out of their way to help me solve a problem. Because the friendship of those we serve is the foundation of XPERTECHS’ success, it is a real pleasure, as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, to be reminded of how your business has enabled us to prosper.
You have encouraged us to do our best, and for this we are grateful!
Michael Mellott
President, XPERTECHS